Refund and Cancellation Policy
We CV ACADEMY at is committed to providing each customer with exceptional service.
If the payment through the third-party gateway has failed, but the amount has been debited from your bank account, the amount so deducted shall be automatically credited to the said bank account within a period of 14 days, subject to reconciliation, as per the terms of the third-party payment gateway.
Cancellation Policy: Once enrolled for any course/class/material with CV ACADEMY, CV ACADEMY shall not refund the money or transfer the money to be adjusted against any other student. However, in some cases, the student can change the courses. In such cases, CV ACADEMY will deduct administrative charges (Minimum 25% of the total payment), and put the remaining money as retained money. Retained money can be used only for new courses. Such cases shall be approved by CV ACADEMY.
Extra Payment Refund Policy: In case CV ACADEMY receives extra payments for any course by any means, after receiving proofs for such claims, CV ACADEMY will try to refund the extra charges within 15 days. The ways may include direct bank transfer using NEFT, in person/authorised representative cheque collection from CV ACADEMY offices or any other means agreed by the student and the management of CV ACADEMY. For any bank related formalities during payment process CV ACADEMY has no liability to pay for any damages which resulted solely due to bank processing or negligence from the side of the student. Students are advised to take up such matters directly with the bank and may proceed to consumer forums if not satisfied. CV ACADEMY will try to help the students with constraints of time, work-force and other factors.